6 Tips to Save Your Septic System During the Holidays

With the influx of people to your house over the holidays, so increases the strain on your septic system.  Most years we are called out to at least one family, who have a full house and are now unable to use any of the loos (let-alone have a shower).

Whilst this may have you considering things like paper plates to save on dishes, or sending all the guests down to the local beach shower to rinse off, there are a number of things you can easily do to relieve the pressure on your septic system, without inconveniencing yourselves or your guests too much.

1.     Spread shower use across the day

The average 5 minute shower uses 100L of water.  In order to save your system from what could normally be an entire days water usage in an hour, you can look at staggering your shower times across the day.  If your guests would like to have their showers in the evening, you might look to have yours in the morning. 

2.     Get that pile of washing sorted before (or after) guests arrive

Whilst it might be tempting to chuck on a few loads of washing before your guests arrive, it is better off if you avoid unnecessary laundry loads whilst guests are staying.  Plan to have laundry done well before guests arrive, or if its too late, give yourself some time off and deal with it once everyone has gone.

3.     Don’t tip fats and grease down the sink.

Help to keep your pipes and tanks flowing more freely by reducing the amount of fats and oils that enter your system.  Liquid fats and oils from roasts and barbeques can be decanted into a jar or empty container and disposed of in the bin. 

4.     Keep baths and pools full

Large volumes of water can put a massive strain on your leach drains and septic system.  If you have an outdoor spa or paddling pool setup in the yard, best not to empty it until after your guests are gone.  Even though the water isn’t going directly into your septic system, draining it onto your grass may affect its ability to leach water from the septic system.

5.     Let guests know whats safe to flush

Guests staying with you may not be aware that you have a septic system, or may not understand how they work.  A small sign in the bathroom or toilet advising them on what can be flushed, can be a helpful reminder.  Our rule is, only the three “P’s” (Pees, Poos and Paper) should go down the loo.

6.     Keep it clean – but septic safe

Bleach and other chemicals can upset the bacteria in your septic system.  Make sure you are using septic safe kitchen and cleaning products to help prolong the life of your system.

Hopefully these tips can help get you through the holidays without any issues to your septic system.  Another great tip is to plan a scheduled pump out well before any busy period in your house.

If you find your sinks draining slower than usual from excess usage, try implementing these tips and limiting or staggering water usage, to see if you can nurse your system through this time.  If this isn’t working for you, then give us a call to see how we can help.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you!


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