Septic Tanks and Leach Drains

Septic Tanks and Leach Drain Services

For many home owners in the South West, septic systems are a part of the building that are often ignored. Some tenants and owners may not even be aware that their property has a septic system, whilst others acknowledge their presence, but don’t want to spend too much time thinking about it.

Unfortunately, if left for too long, serious problems can develop.

Our customers find it more economical in the long run, to maintain regular pump outs of their septic system, instead of leaving it too late and having to pay thousands in major repairs and restorations.

Whether its routine maintenance, or an unexpected emergency, we have come to be known as a reliable and top-quality company that can provide you with efficient and affordable service.


If you own a septic system, it is important that it be properly maintained. How often you need to pump the solids out of your septic tank depends on several major factors:

  • The number of people in your household

  • The amount of wastewater generated (based on the number of people in the household and the amount of water used)

Although your septic tank’s leach drains generally does not require maintenance, you should adhere to the following rules to protect and prolong their functional life:

  • Do not drive over the leach drain field with cars, trucks, or heavy equipment.

  • Do not plant trees or shrubbery in the leach drain area because the roots can get into the lines and plug them.

  • Do not cover the leach drain field with hard surfaces, such as concrete or asphalt. Grass is the best cover, because it will help prevent erosion and help remove excess water

  • Do divert surface runoff water from Grey Water, roofs, patios, driveways, and other areas away from the leach drain field.

Lifting lid on a septic tank


A Range of Commercial Applications

Geographe Liquid Waste can provide cost effective liquid waste management solutions for a number of other services and businesses in the region. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Abattoirs

  • Bakeries

  • Caravan Parks

  • Camping Grounds

  • Farms

  • Kennels

  • Nurseries

  • Restaurants, Cafes and Taverns

  • Seasonal Growers

  • and more…