New Equipment On Its Way - Ground Pentrating Radar

At Geographe Liquid Waste, we’ve had the Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) on our Christmas list for a few years. This piece of technology uses radar pulses to create images of the underground.

Using electromagnetic radiation, it detects signals from subsurface structures, making it possible to locate underground tanks, pipes and other objects.

GPRs have a variety of applications outside of our field. They can be used in archaeological sites to obtain a better understanding of what is under the earth before excavating a site. Military also use these devices to locate unexploded bombs under the ground, as well as secret tunnels.

At Geographe Liquid Waste we will be using the GPR to assist with health checks on pipe work and leach drains under the ground and for locating tanks (both connected and decommissioned), on properties where the building drawings don’t match up with what is found on site and who knows, we may stumble upon some buried treasure if we’re lucky. It would sure make a nice change from what we encounter on a normal work day.

We will keep you updated on the arrival of this machine and look forward to expanding our range of services using this great technology.

Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) - Geographe Liquid Waste

New Workshop Coming This Summer