New Workshop Coming This Summer


When we started Geographe Liquid Waste, we had a truck, some tools, and a whole bunch of enthusiasm and optimism. What we didn’t have was a place to park our truck. We didn’t let that stop us though.

5 years on, and we are finally close to having a place for Geographe Liquid Waste to call “home”. We were lucky enough to secure one of the last commercial blocks in the Dunsborough LIA in 2017.

With the designs for the workshop finalised and building approvals through, it looks like we will have a workshop sometime in the next few months.

After a series of break ins, and many hours spent servicing the truck in the dirt and mud, we will be glad to be able to have a purpose built workshop, where we can continue to grow our business.

The workshop itself will have two separate units, and we look forward to announcing our soon to be neighbours in the near future. Stay tuned!


Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG) and your septic system


New Equipment On Its Way - Ground Pentrating Radar